Tuesday, 19 March 2024


I try to read a message of peace will be good, God willing, I will get some useful articles and poetry about qraan ahadees Also of interest to women and children will be provided

شادی بیاہ

1  -Weddings

 2 -Dowry a curse

3- Hijab and modesty


The full name actually obeyed God. The Islamic Shariah is the welfare of mankind. She wants to adhere to Islamic law and guidance in all matters actual and potential human life. The present article has been highlighted so that Islamic marriage problems and avoid unjust practices. It is important to make the marriage relationship in marriage. What is the guiding law in this regard?The quality of relationships* The Prophet Muhammad said: "It can look for four things married women. Given its wealth, its customization (of the family), because of its beauty and godliness. I dust your hands (it is also said to be surprised and sometimes warnings, etc.) should receive a godly woman you "(Bukhari)Another says:* You marry them on the basis of religion. If you're a nerd because the religion even if a slave is less common than other women. (Hadith)A further said:* "The enjoyment and comfort of a good woman is the best thing in the world." (Narrated by Ibn Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, Muslim)The knowledge and practice of religion is a great wealth. Religion to make life enjoyable and comfortable and get the satisfaction is good and necessary.The importance of marriage* Abu Ayyub al-Ansari Allah be pleased with him narrated that the Prophet Muhammad said: "Whoever my life the way Sunni, so he took me and my family is Sunni." (Hadith)hurry up* The Holy Prophet said: "O 'Ali, may Allah be pleased! There are three things I should hurry. A prayer when the time comes. Other funeral when he is ready. Third of the married woman to find the proper relationship of marriage. "(Tirmidhi. Hakim)The solution is to be determined relative to the engagement. But Satan does not have any srmadyty people follow Islamic customs of ignorance that runs a chain after customs determined. I believe we should avoid customs while mndrjhٴ ban the teachings of Islam.Seal:* The stamp duty of marriage. Seal up the law, a woman must make to the value of life, the value of marriage realize that this is a serious and necessary process.Allah says* "As a gift with the women's dowry willingly do." (Surah Nisa)* "Pay as their duty seal".Maher has been determined that the woman must pay the men. It must be paid at the time of marriage. The law says the term "majl" (quickly) and that they are paid immediately. And if a man is not in a position to immediately pay the will to decide how they play, how and in what way. This is called Mozilla (borrowed) in terms of the law.* "Seals that do not exceed the limit of the Prophet peace be upon him" (Hadith)Seal means that men should be the status. If a name has been set for huge amounts unmud. If she is not guilty in both cases if it is better to be paid in cash and agradar and the intention. As coming forward.God in the Holy Prophet's seal and has not set any limit.who gave you the right to decide against God's teachings? When God says:* "Women, if you are given the dhyrsa not take back some of the money" (Surah Nisa)Hearing the argument, Omar said a woman and a man said it turned accidentally.The law is not less than that of the boy prevented extremist behavior and that the payment would not be so difficult if not impossible.Many find such examples in Medina Islamic society that had been sealed on the palm garden. I beg to avoid dumsalyn length.(1) The complaint said the Prophet Muhammad had a woman Jamila bint Abi, and my husband that I want a separation. Holy Prophet heard this complaint and said that he will return to you garden was he? She said. Yes, O Messenger of God.(2) The second case of Habiba bint Sahl. The woman said her husband complained that the money I gave her back to me. I dluadyjyy separation.Prophet peace be upon him says:* "He who marries a woman, and the intention is that they will not seal adulterer" (Hadith)He married a woman for a material seal and the intention was that it would not pay the dowry. He is the adulterer who took the loan and the intention is not to pay the loan is actually a thief. (Hadith)The importance of seal in the law above, is assess the situation and needs. Is aware of the case of non-payment.Invitation wedding reception foodSunni reception feast of the Holy Prophet which is given after marriage. Prophet Muhammad gave reception after their marriage. Whether there should be more or less the amount of practice.* "Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah be pleased with the Prophet peace be upon him said: the worst meal of the wedding reception, which will be called the rich and give to the poor." (Bukhari, Muslim)Ignorance is usually arranged food from the boy before the ritual marriage is wrong and un-Islamic and Sunni rivalry reception. Believers should refrain from disobeying.An unjust practiceSome place names that have been put on the table (table) so that the refectory eaten some of the money out. It is a vain ritual that invites people to gather food and a certain amount (the food bill) to be charged.without a veilMarriage is a celebration on the occasion of privacy. It appears that women are displaying their beauty. The hijab is obligatory. This violation is a great sin.The Quran says:* "O Prophet! Say to the believing women that they should save their gaze and guard their private parts and do not display their adornments. Except what appears. And to put a veil over their hearts and express their aurhnyun they do not show their adornments. "(The proofs to them) they were not on your feet hit the ground on which he had hidden beauty be. "(Surah Nur: 31)Seventy women

* The Prophet Muhammad said: I believe that for the last day of a woman, that he popped right hand more. So your Prophet placed his hand on half of your wrist ".Prophet Muhammad said:* "The woman's hands folded until they mature they should not see any part of the body, except the face and wrists." (Abu Dawood)* "The Prophet Muhammad is Allah's curse be naked or wearing clothing that women naked." (Hadith)* "Abu Bakr says that Umar put no clothes to women who are active in such a way that the body is a form of the body."The women in the light of these teachings should avoid privacy.(The order of the scenes are related to the traditions of man is different from the seven veils, have no right to appear on the face of the stranger. Editor)Inheritance of girlCompared to the female part of the inheritance men half (1/2).Allah says:* "About your children is part of the male that you are equal to the two women. (Sura Nisa)But out of those girls said their relationship:* "And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, peace be upon him, and will exceed the limits set by Allah will fire. Which he will always be punished for it is disgraceful. "(Surah Nisa)Prophet Muhammad said:* "Will lose their heirs inherit the resurrection God will lose the inheritance of heaven." (Ibn Majah)Half of the girl inherited the teachings which should be appointed by law to pay to avoid the wrath of God. (But that is only part of being a girl. I inherited the issue is not our topic this time)GiftGift giving is good but should not change the intent of the law. It is already something else as a gift, it is against the teachings of Islam, he changed his intention. This was a disgraceful move likened to the function of the dog who licked his own vomit.We ask Allah Almighty to give strength to obey the believers to adhere to Islam. (Amen)

 2 -Dowry a curse

جہیز اک لعنت


Literally dowry of preparation or equipment.Hindi in the name giveaway
Meaning of 'charitable'.There are many evils in the pre-Islamic Arabs.
There was not any ordinary girl buried alive.They honor my daughters were buried ground mynzndh
Daughter to Father not fault them there.The daughters did not get a share of the property among the FathersIslam must be set not only property but also the daughters of women's mercy.
Deterioration woman was not confined to the Arab regionBut jatarha as Egypt, Iraq, Greece, Rome and the women subjected to intimidation.After the woman was deprived not only of his property in Hindu society marriage if her husband be dead, she is burned with fire sometimesSince women can not inherit his father was sent to parents at the wedding as much by "Dan, your daughter.And girls whose parents no longer 'trash' was devoid of society to accept their daughters as wife.
Mohammad in 712 AD became the subcontinent when the sun rises with the advent of Qasim thought 'Dan' changed the name of dowry.Since it was not only the Hindus but also Muslims.From there, it was a moving ceremony has become an essential component of marriage today.And his greatest regret is that some people think of Islam DowryAnd Ali (RA) and Hazrat Fatima's dowry of the equipment to be at the wedding are giving incentive to IslamHowever, this argument is unfounded.The event that Imam Ali (RA) when he migrated to Al-Madinah, you come home, leave everything Mecca.Medina was not so financially stable than Mecca.Deposit money to buy them based on the use of domestic goods.
This incident proves two things:
1. If a married person can be poor even if the righteous.
2. To arrange things in life that are the responsibility of men.
Instead of proving this incident Dowry Prohibition .The principle is that marriage preparation is the responsibility of her husband and his family.I would like to take this tradition astdla ualunku wit nails.
A certain part of the heritage of the daughters of the Father has set.There is no attention to it, but I would not call him names deemed obscene.In contrast, the concept of marriage without dowry is impossible.How many girls are married in society just because their parents could not at that time could not arrange their marriage.Except for a few rich people and many people's lives are going to prepare the dowry for his daughters.But most of the time paid the debt hnduanh ceremony.If a devout steps to end the practice when it otherwise face great thing utsnya by society.
So let's! We pledge to do our part as far as possible to eliminate the practice adakryn and four pierce the consciousness of people compactly kryn.takh fact, we become part of this society based jayynjs past fourteen hundred years ago today the Prophet Mohammad the thy.allh be our Protector and Helper. (Amen)


3- Hijab and modesty


The veil in Islam and Islamic law

Islam is a peaceful religion and a complete code of life, through which a person can meet the requirements of humanity, change the darkness into the light.
Islam and the Islamic system of life, civilization, build a free society and human morals and habits sincere.

Islam had ridden ritual of ignorance customs and morals and habits of the tribulation in all its forms, radically changed the society and culture of laying the groundwork laid in the life of the security, China and bookmark Peace and tranquility.Islam is the solution adopted for the establishment of culture of his people and peaceful society "is: keeping the human spirit to save the excitement of all kinds that man and nature drives towards found the woman left her place, gives a natural, safe and constructive manner.Islam wants a woman not all beauty, all her finery and glitter and beauty in only her husband with her partner, another partner.Seeking woman for their beauty and the beauty of his men actually saw OHIP for all men's beauty and grooming to attract his attention.
Islam is the religion of a civilization that moment of life is a good way to develop them.
That is not a Muslim and believe in evil ways and be limited to these drives towards the exercise is God who gives the order to take all precautions.
Psychological education and training which is human nature. This adornment beauty of the woman he has been confined to her husband's heart and attention consolidation.
They should focus their attention towards his wife and his wife are protected from foreign eyes, nose lust.God has called each other husband and wife to wear. This means the establishment of a free society is sincere urges his closeness and 'Islam is a sign of mental screen.
If we can come to understand how great the approximate If you look around the sides and turn them away from God and shocking scenes.Western world, especially in Europe and American society is going through some kind of curtains and veils of no where everywhere enjoyment, excitement viability, sensuality and flesh delightful enjoyment equipment"Such measures are being taken, which is being created for sexual thrills, which has resulted in a growing sexual thirst is not quenched"Man having been dormant animal is awake and unrestrained, hot man has been sailing in suggestive diseases of the nerves and psyche.Men and women have a natural attraction for each other and it has been revealed as a creative person, a man of his position on this earth to fulfill the responsibilities of caliphate '
Major part of his life is to maintain the continuity of life on Earth, it is tempting to chronic.If they can not not satisfy the well-being of its' inherent requirements between the two sides, then the precipitated anxiety and restlessness, which affects the nerves and motivates the evil man.We have American and European society where all forms of sexual freedom in general, men and women dissatisfied"Women are filled not with men, sexual gratification and satisfaction of all unnatural way, despite using it are two comfortable four 'A terrible would ease the mixing and matching of" women for women, men and even animals for suffer.
There is still an open kind of privacy, obscenity, nudity and unnatural ways that were very uncomfortable and completely 'normal' Islam is protection from all these drawbacks to those who believe and be saved.All countries where forms of physical nudity and sex-matched normal Indecency is independent from the kind of binds prison.If all possible shapes near them, but still have their sexual thirst Madness range has increased and their comfort has erased the mark of "causing came erupted in a storm of sexual and psychological diseases.
Such problems can be seen from the paths of the sex-matched animals and animals nevertheless are not born with good sexual deprivation which plagued society.While those who do not just refinement of the spirit of man, but it was clean.
Deliver them that civilization and dignity and also help his followers to live a life of ease and comfort.Women uncover a "no barrier to" embrace fashion in front of the men decked 'pay to view' privacy and sapping the ritual of the hijab is not Islamic, Western and Islamic culture and traditions whose terrible consequences are before us.The Islamic Society has changed the taste of the people of Balochistan and the feelings are not recommended to change the "beauty of the animal posturing required for followers of Islam.
But the beauty 
Is saved does a decent way of beauty and color quality setting, which creates all kinds of vulgarity and seriousness, dignity and beauty of good taste
able to meet the needs and demands precise nature.The away side modern apparently developed two men pushing women do, we like to walk down the steps and unveiled symbol of uby privacy.If she cooks what kind of kicking them take a look yourself from your integrity and walk along a setting outside the veil, who benefit benefit in society that women Review will be with them well, in his eyes, how What difficulties have to be twoAnd after all the babble and bowed down day and night to live in her husband's proximity
If the majority of home comfort to the woman behind 
So satisfied his sincerity, which are both physical and spiritual, sexual and physical fail as so full and Both are physically and spiritually, sexually and physically so full of satisfaction and comfort is given and comfortable to put all that well can ritual is being Monday they themselves were pursuing follow the practices confined to his home through Allah and His Messenger, a safe to his home "my house is secured to the culture and education of their children in peace, they can never receive any 'how quickly uncovered a" woman without hijab displaced.
Scene meaning of the commandments that he saved his followers the way Verve obscenity, indecency and erotic mischief, and they broke the veil to be seated no secret erotic feelings wasp woman .Islam has to honor the men and women of our collective life and future reference.
The woman who has imposed duties that they give him a third of them non understand very dangerous mistake. Woman duties are so broad and diverse

 If Hubble attention to earn his side did not get time to look at some other activity.
Much needed for the country's development needs good scientists, administrators and politicians captains also good mothers and good wives.

Those who believe that women know that being outdoors can also right and proper care of the children involved in activities.Human growth and nature protection have set four periods of pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding training. During each round, which is the most difficult of them is detrimental to child neglect.

The race is the most important time away from training in the perspective of being human. Child when he steps into the unseen world of the mind is willing to have like a plaque written script of every type.
She taught him to be in a state that has a pattern.A mother's duty to give their children a good education and teach him good manners of evil.Obviously, a mother who does not receive time of economic and political activities can not train your children. The woman does not produce goods in duty, but humanity-making factories.While women in the upbringing of the child can use to rate a 'Austerity Plan earnings of men and resources.The issue of availability of resources is equally important, their reasonable.Islamic veil is actually composed of two curtains.
An order in which the veil of the house are described in Sura Nur.These orders are called "ten commandments". The order in which the veil outside the home have been dealt surةalahza b and orders are called "single screen".In the seventies and veilMost of the scenes in the seventies and women do not matter when both of Islamic law are separate orders.Seventy body in that part of the case it has to hide from others than the spouses of the husband and wife are exempt from this rule.
Men are far away from the navel to the knees and the woman is seventy feet and whole body except the face bar.
In another verse lawful seventy woman's entire body except the face and hands.
The woman, from the navel to the knees of the woman. Seventy any part of a woman in normal circumstances may not open in any other than her husband.The veil of shame is those whom the law is named "eyelashes".These individuals eyelashes list Al Noor in verse 31. All orders seventy Al-Nur, whose details are described in the reports are found in Iran.This is the case of a woman inside the home screen.Woman hijab veil, which he is favored for some time to come out.The law if they are related to the woman's veil from men who are single.
These are described in the order unless the hijab Al hzab.They mean that woman out of the house Julbab a large sheet (or burqa) would be coveredSo it will cover the entire body except the face, eye and hide the device so that the exposed face d.This barrier is that women must cover the whole body except the eyes.The lining of the house "orders seventies"

1 - permission to enter a houseAllah says:"O ye who believe! Do not enter the homes of others until crawl upon their own identity and family, it is better for you to remember that you do." (Al-Nur verse 27)

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I try to read a message of peace will be good, God willing, I will get some useful articles and poetry about qraan ahadees Also of interest to women and children will be provided


I try to read a message of peace will be good, God willing, I will get some useful articles and poetry about qraan ahadees Also of interest...