Message of Peace Friday 9 August 2024 Top websites I try to read a message of peace will be good, God willing, I will get some useful articles and poetry about qraan ahadees
Tuesday, 19 March 2024
The full name actually obeyed God. The Islamic Shariah is the welfare of mankind. She wants to adhere to Islamic law and guidance in all matters actual and potential human life. The present article has been highlighted so that Islamic marriage problems and avoid unjust practices. It is important to make the marriage relationship in marriage. What is the guiding law in this regard?The quality of relationships* The Prophet Muhammad said: "It can look for four things married women. Given its wealth, its customization (of the family), because of its beauty and godliness. I dust your hands (it is also said to be surprised and sometimes warnings, etc.) should receive a godly woman you "(Bukhari)Another says:* You marry them on the basis of religion. If you're a nerd because the religion even if a slave is less common than other women. (Hadith)A further said:* "The enjoyment and comfort of a good woman is the best thing in the world." (Narrated by Ibn Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, Muslim)The knowledge and practice of religion is a great wealth. Religion to make life enjoyable and comfortable and get the satisfaction is good and necessary.The importance of marriage* Abu Ayyub al-Ansari Allah be pleased with him narrated that the Prophet Muhammad said: "Whoever my life the way Sunni, so he took me and my family is Sunni." (Hadith)hurry up* The Holy Prophet said: "O 'Ali, may Allah be pleased! There are three things I should hurry. A prayer when the time comes. Other funeral when he is ready. Third of the married woman to find the proper relationship of marriage. "(Tirmidhi. Hakim)The solution is to be determined relative to the engagement. But Satan does not have any srmadyty people follow Islamic customs of ignorance that runs a chain after customs determined. I believe we should avoid customs while mndrjhٴ ban the teachings of Islam.Seal:* The stamp duty of marriage. Seal up the law, a woman must make to the value of life, the value of marriage realize that this is a serious and necessary process.Allah says* "As a gift with the women's dowry willingly do." (Surah Nisa)* "Pay as their duty seal".Maher has been determined that the woman must pay the men. It must be paid at the time of marriage. The law says the term "majl" (quickly) and that they are paid immediately. And if a man is not in a position to immediately pay the will to decide how they play, how and in what way. This is called Mozilla (borrowed) in terms of the law.* "Seals that do not exceed the limit of the Prophet peace be upon him" (Hadith)Seal means that men should be the status. If a name has been set for huge amounts unmud. If she is not guilty in both cases if it is better to be paid in cash and agradar and the intention. As coming forward.God in the Holy Prophet's seal and has not set any limit.who gave you the right to decide against God's teachings? When God says:* "Women, if you are given the dhyrsa not take back some of the money" (Surah Nisa)Hearing the argument, Omar said a woman and a man said it turned accidentally.The law is not less than that of the boy prevented extremist behavior and that the payment would not be so difficult if not impossible.Many find such examples in Medina Islamic society that had been sealed on the palm garden. I beg to avoid dumsalyn length.(1) The complaint said the Prophet Muhammad had a woman Jamila bint Abi, and my husband that I want a separation. Holy Prophet heard this complaint and said that he will return to you garden was he? She said. Yes, O Messenger of God.(2) The second case of Habiba bint Sahl. The woman said her husband complained that the money I gave her back to me. I dluadyjyy separation.Prophet peace be upon him says:* "He who marries a woman, and the intention is that they will not seal adulterer" (Hadith)He married a woman for a material seal and the intention was that it would not pay the dowry. He is the adulterer who took the loan and the intention is not to pay the loan is actually a thief. (Hadith)The importance of seal in the law above, is assess the situation and needs. Is aware of the case of non-payment.Invitation wedding reception foodSunni reception feast of the Holy Prophet which is given after marriage. Prophet Muhammad gave reception after their marriage. Whether there should be more or less the amount of practice.* "Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah be pleased with the Prophet peace be upon him said: the worst meal of the wedding reception, which will be called the rich and give to the poor." (Bukhari, Muslim)Ignorance is usually arranged food from the boy before the ritual marriage is wrong and un-Islamic and Sunni rivalry reception. Believers should refrain from disobeying.An unjust practiceSome place names that have been put on the table (table) so that the refectory eaten some of the money out. It is a vain ritual that invites people to gather food and a certain amount (the food bill) to be charged.without a veilMarriage is a celebration on the occasion of privacy. It appears that women are displaying their beauty. The hijab is obligatory. This violation is a great sin.The Quran says:* "O Prophet! Say to the believing women that they should save their gaze and guard their private parts and do not display their adornments. Except what appears. And to put a veil over their hearts and express their aurhnyun they do not show their adornments. "(The proofs to them) they were not on your feet hit the ground on which he had hidden beauty be. "(Surah Nur: 31)Seventy women
Monday, 18 March 2024
- Pray
Last day to give us the know
Give us faith delightful server
We present you with eyes like sin
Quiet atmosphere and moments to be held
We gave Judgment Day A. Rahim
Our heart will not humujud
To join hands and arms
Excuse organs of factors
Give us your vision of Judgment Day
To change our defeat into victory
O do you stand when we
Put all our love Nain
Dear Lord, give us the Resurrection Day
Show us your mercy views
If you would like to be calm atmosphere
Heck, we always get praise
Last day to give our parents
To change the world living in paradise
I make a way for my children
Relative or Muslim
Lord forgive the whole world
We do not take account of sin- Pray
I humble heart desires
I'm ready to run through O
My heart every moment in every circumstance
I am mentioning God day and night
They give pleasure to the heart
We're going to call your guidance
I give you my tuzkr
Environment may be a witness
I ask humble environment
I'm ready to run through O
O give pleasure to pray
Day of Resurrection fear udr
So our grave too bright
Resurrection mercy to give us a ride
We must succeed ahead
Where you should look up
I'm ready to run through O
Humble language tlbgarhun
I'm ready to run through O
So the language used by mentioning
I love every moment you are preaching
My heart has been Language Hearing
All my limbs would obey Thee
Total Muslim and my family aurkandan
Day to Day's house in Paradise
I ask humbling thought
O, be so forgiving, Most Merciful.
- Pray
Compensation equal to the jinn
We understand sinful man
He understood the shape of giants
A. They can not stop the way
Away from you and reaches calls
The Giants are a man or
Your servants are all creatures of PM
- Pray
I humble heart desires
I'm ready to run through O
My heart every moment in every circumstance
I am mentioning God day and night
They give pleasure to the heart
We're going to call your guidance
Give my heart to speak
Environment may be a witness
I ask humble environment
I'm ready to run through O
O give pleasure to pray
Judgment day off fear
So our grave too bright
Resurrection mercy to give us a ride
We must succeed ahead
Where you should look up
I'm ready to run through O
I humble ask Language
I'm ready to run through O
So the language used by mentioning
I love every moment you are preaching
My heart has been Language Hearing
All my limbs would obey Thee
Total Muslim and my family and the family
Day to Day's house in Paradise
I ask humbling thought
O, be so forgiving, Most Merciful.
God give us this forgiveness
Friday, 15 March 2024
Benefits of BETHANKFUL
Sunday, 7 January 2024
غذائی علاج
Saturday, 6 January 2024
islamic books
اذکار نافعہ
- صفحات: 182
- یونیکوڈ کنورژن کا خرچہ: 5460 (PKR)
دین اسلام میں ذکر الٰہی کی بہت زیادہ اہمیت و فضیلت ہے۔ ایک حدیث کے مطابق اللہ کے رسولﷺ نے ذکر الٰہی کو سونا چاندی خرچ کرنے حتیٰ کہ جہاد جیسے عمل سے بھی بہتر قرار دیا۔ فی زمانہ دعاؤں اور ذکر و اذکار کی بہت سی مختصر اور مفصل کتب موجود ہیں۔ ان اذکار و دعاؤں کی فضیلت کیا ہے؟ یہی اس کتاب کا موضوع ہے۔ جس میں پروفیسر ڈاکٹر فضل الٰہی نے قرآن کریم کی بعض سورتوں اور آیات، اذان، نماز سے متعلقہ اذکار ، صبح و شام کے بعض اذکار کے فضائل اور مرادیں پوری کرنے والے آٹھ اذکار کا تذکرہ کرتے ہوئے دیگر مواقعوں کے اذکار کی بھی احادیث رسولﷺ کی روشنی میں فضیلت بیان کی ہے۔ کتاب کے آخر میں چند مفید تنبیہات بھی قلمبند کی گئی ہیں۔ (ع۔م)
اس مصنف کی دیگر تصانیف
اس ناشر کی دیگر مطبوعات
ایڈ وانس سرچ
اعدادو شمار
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I try to read a message of peace will be good, God willing, I will get some useful articles and poetry about qraan ahadees Also of interest...

I try to read a message of peace will be good, God willing, I will get some useful articles and poetry about qraan ahadees Also of interest...
I try to read a message of peace will be good, God willing, I will get some useful articles and poetry about qraan ahadees Also of interest...
Sindh Agriculture University Students Awareness 3B0M5eZIE