Tuesday, 19 March 2024

پیسے کمائے

I try to read a message of peace will be good, God willing, I will get some useful articles and poetry about qraan ahadees Also of interest to women and children will be provided

  •   Click on this laptop and earn money...

 اس لکنک پر کلک کرے اور پیسے کمائے


آن لائن کمائی کقے
1 -Earn money at home

2  -Adsense earnings

3  -Money_and_home 

4 -Google is useful

5-  How'd blog



  •  Linking Blogs and Websites: Pros and cons of the options for linking a blog and a website include reciprocal links, RSS feed display, and iFrame statements. http://blogger-hints-and-tips.blogspot.com/ 

10 minutes can earn you $10,000.00
Our program is the fastest way to make money without spending any money of your own. Start today and have a paycheck on Friday.

Martin's Money Tips

When there's a new way to save money you'll get an immediate email. It's free and completely independent. Please tell your friends. All they have to do is come to www.moneysavingexpert.com and sign up too!

 Smart Blogger | Boost Blog Traffic, Inc.

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1 -Earn money at home

 Ads reality
 And making money from Internet


        Internet and newspapers can make money with a computer at home, which are ads and are invited to make money
 Pakistan's troubled economy is to draw the attention of people who see ads based on a reason, ads truth in this article, and how you can earn money on the Internet will also be discussed
Sitting reality of money advertising

        Are ads and websites claiming to earn lots of money at home and monthly dollar is only a fake Tor
 Who actually have money to use it for their own or a partner's products and promotional product or course of conduct that No fake School, opened the Institute takes money
 Any gotta make the money on advertising directs any advertising or product
Aid tempted to sell Sans account

 Here are all the ads are fake which is a lovely offer.

        Internet means it is possible to earn money

        Means it is possible to make money on the Internet if they think it's just hard to earn money from it would be wishful thinking Automation
 , Is not easy and may require continuous efforts on making money from Internet
Ways to earn money from Internet

        One way is to keep the site fun and people like it or writing articles that are of interest to people
Or which cause maximum visit the site and keep them coming continuity
 Put your website in the search engines so people can find good maximal
So if the website can not afford to use a free service like Blogger, Word Press
 The most popular Google AIDS in which many different companies which offer advertising to get the Pakistanis to Tor is not so easy
Google counts every click on the ad that is the condition which makes its money
 The website owner would have to click the reserves will not click on an ad.
The violation of this rule in Pakistan Google now easily advertise is not a solution in Pakistan are applied for the source ad is out if any knowledge resides in another country like the US, UK Google conditions
 The content may not be real copy-paste from anywhere
 And be content that the piracy spot as illegal way to link and down load the software, the site is unable immoral content
        The service aid when the flay which is planted in the site links someone clicks
 Then Google the money in the service advertisement before taking the second place show
 A similar closure click service that famous words that have the money and if someone clicks on the card clicking the links in the article are changed very little.

Other ways

        In the United States, Britain and countries such as if someone is given the job to be given anything other facilities with money On the basis of the companies from the source to the people of Pakistan, Bangladesh, India and so they could get lower prices, which have to be given enough money to an American or European, and so it is not the office of a company it has taken off only if the name is not open to the office so that cheap money on the Internet

        Typing integrate faster if you know modern web leading developers
 For Pakistan, it is taught web design that is far from leading developers and innovative web design and develop

        Mastering various languages ​​are known translation work What do you accounting
 Press Release mastering the language can write on a computer means you earn money freelancing.


پیسے کمائو

Internet is also a source of employment
First you have to understand your capabilities and your interest focused on finding
The majority have lived from time to time, fun, friendship and considers a source of information, but you can even work at home via the Internet.
If the inflation rise in unemployment would be a time when the Internet can be a source of employment for you. Or all those who are looking for part time job to increase your monthly income. They were women who want to work from home badghr finished works, which can lead to the acquisition of income and budget home run as well. They will work with all students are taught to remove their pocket money. Internet can be the best source of livelihood for the people.

There are many ideas about the use of the Internet, which has become common assumption. For example, it is necessary to be very important to work on the Internet or speaking the language, when it is totally wrong. If you simply enter the Metric or English and do a little reading, this article is just for you. Now stop worrying by the day extra costs and increasing inflation.
First you have to realize their potential and find their interest is centered. For example, how skilled or expert in how your education, skills, no diploma courses or short courses you dadh heart of reading and writing, you will have to act accordingly to find on the Internet.
There are many websites that provide jobs for workers in various capacities on the Internet. In fact, it plays the role of a middle (middle) to provide mediation between family and job websites to find jobs and become a source of a communication exchange for minor compensation.
To become a member of an account on their web sites or web sites free of charge on many web sites that when you seek some compensation you can become a member. Formed the basic information about yourself, you have to be listed on the website, for example, you want to assign members to gain employment or employment. It is in your interest to the sector. How can you best use your skills. For example, if you understand the writing is so interested to write to, such as articles, news, stories, expert yourself in, so the sector and gender, select. It will thus prepare your Profile. And will your name while searching for those working on the site.
Choose according to your ability and your interest as soon as the circle will no vacancy, you will be notified via email. Usually reduced and working positions are more, so who better to quickly lower prices, given that they work. Project Description to leave the money in your account on the website to complete. Many websites would be deducted from the amount of the fee of a few dollars for their members often perform money transfer to the bank account, and thus Mr. You can earn at home to make the Internet a few things you should be sure to consider the following:
 The best way to present your skills:
It is known saying 'first impression is the last impression.' I tried to be your first impression is very good and impressive. Create your profile and sample the best of his capabilities, please include it. For example, if you want to write, you write the best essay will be present in the original or gyrmtbuah. Likewise, if the project will add to your profile if you are a graphic designer. If a website designer, including the website link. So I am taking the field, specializing in craft or art, that he has chosen the best person that you best be demonstrated, so you believe, who to choose for your profile See the project, who is an expert in this field.
* Work hard for the best results:
Each spectrum is the key to recovery in labor. Similarly, it can also work to the moon capabilities. For instance, different courses. Study. Research. Time is rapidly passing, and the progress in every field of daily practice over time. There should also be known for his work in the new research is new. For this you can take help of the internet search engine.
* Social networking:
Currently the age of social networking sites are a suitable means of expressing your full potential. You can warn others by adding your own page or group making ngarsat or different samples or pictures of your project to work on in your skills, your talents and your skills. For example, many people who work decorating weddings or management unit, they receive the order through different images. Dress designer Order is acquired by adding pictures of their costumes and then claimed payment of foreign bank account or sent by courier service when abroad.
Similarly, many young different Messengers also take tuition eg yahoo, skype etc. I tell her about advertising on social networking sites or they teach students online. So are countless ways you can earn at home via the Internet. Just the ability, belief and confidence when recovery picks kiss your feet.
* Beware of scammers:
In the Internet world, all walks of life are deceptively simple. So after a lot of thinking and working, please be careful not to let the project must demand payment before midnight. Also avoiding certain personal information to anyone. In this case completion of the order on social networking websites, you will find the advance payment. Please be very careful selection of sites for the money transfer. Many popular Web sites do not work for the delivery of money in Pakistan, so your personal information addresses, bank account numbers, SWIFT code, etc. Do not create a website without any consultation. Each site introduction, any decision after carefully reading the regulations.
In the freelancer feels more attractive and easy to make money through the internet, it is also dangerous, because it can deceive, fraud, move the pots. Internet is like a mirage, a beautiful and attractive look is secretly offered to come and what are the motives? Internet user is normally unaware of it. Sometimes young people are working day and night in the earth.
When that did not submit the required amount for the benefit of workers, taken to get the project through a wriggle with it, or the rules and regulations without full awareness of any website and web site the conditions to work, despite the efforts of many people in the study to be completed and the project can not achieve the desired results. Take too much understanding to work on the Internet and receive a lot of thinking to understand the project and the amount of money received.
Always read the rules and regulations by. Otherwise you are famous for the transfer of money that may be there, because the sites concerned, but they do not transfer money to Pakistan, so much thought and websites understanding and what they enter the information. When you register the slightest mistake may be that the money be transferred to another account instead of your account. Swift code of your bank when you have to be careful.
With the work as a freelancer on the Internet are often scams that trick pots are a few of them:
1. Project completed after sending the money to send them to the email or website to be transferred to your account. The most common trick, as most people do bad heart to work over the Internet or by working as a freelancer. The best way in this regard is that half payment (money) or part of the amount has been received in advance. In the other case, if you have submitted the completed project on the site, you can take your complaint directly to them via Mail to the site support system.
This is the best way to write any comments about the profile of the project prior to the project or Always read feedback. The distinctive mark on many websites, which are in their profile, which showed that the amount to be credited in their account or not. If you are not satisfied, do not accept the project.
2. Often a project to convert the tape, in which different messages are sent in the form of the name of the project. It is set by clicking the project per site fee in the case of a few dollars goes to the site from your account. So read by any review before accepting prajkyt to click.
3. Many websites give you the membership for a member of a few thousand bucks, which then tend to move money into your website account on different projects, but they have a certain amount, for example hundred dollars fixed amount. In the case of the low amount of your website can not be transferred to your bank account. In this type of websites that thumbs accept your project and when do you begin to make your project rejected by some amount, remaining amount and the desire to make the Internet did for a living continuous despite the amount of work and do not reward members are also submerged. So be wary of cheats trick

2  -AdSense earnings

ایڈسینس سے کمائی

  What are they? And how does it work?Google Adsense is a unique service of Google, this service is for web masters can give any webmaster to request this service. Webmaster refers to the person who paid Codes own a website or blog hu.uyb master a few Java Scripts that are putting it on your website or blog. Once you visit this web site or blog Google User has no automatic filter blocks computers Keywords check this website and by providing advertisements to them. These ads are submitted under various companies Google AdWords (Google Adword) and in return will pay for these ads to Google (you can read the details in the introduction).Confirm the account and PIN supply: the more users will click on your aids will increase the amount in your account and your account will be $ 10 Number Google will send you a PIN, which is confirm that the relevant person at the address listed. Insert the pin number you have to be Log In to your account. The net earnings will be rampant and when you get $ 100 in the account, the company will send the money you've earned. Here are the companies that benefit from the aid of your website clicks hugajnhun is preferably through Google's AdWords service. Well! This will benefit those companies that most users if they would go to their website and their products will be more cell will increase income.

3  -Money_and_home


  •  Linking Blogs and Websites: Pros and cons of the options for linking a blog and a website include reciprocal links, RSS feed display, and iFrame statements. http://blogger-hints-and-tips.blogspot.com/ 

10 minutes can earn you $10,000.00
Our program is the fastest way to make money without spending any money of your own. Start today and have a paycheck on Friday.

Martin's Money Tips

When there's a new way to save money you'll get an immediate email. It's free and completely independent. Please tell your friends. All they have to do is come to www.moneysavingexpert.com and sign up too!

 Smart Blogger | Boost Blog Traffic, Inc.

Click here to get Headline Hacks*




3 -Google is useful

گوگل مفید ہے

google How does Google work;He is a parallel and fast ruleGoogle has three main parts.Google Bot,

 This is a website that brings defense supplies for the web network.


Who every word of every page layout in such a database. 

Who every word of every page layout in such a database.

Prussysr Curie,

Who sees the index compare with your search query.

And then search according to showing relevant Document folk minutes.

1 Google Bot,

2 -Google Web defense supplies

Google bot is an automatic Google web search for web network that brings .The defense supplies

 And turns them over to the hands of Google indexor.

Google bot brings many web pages to computer demand.

The speed is very fast.

Google but-

Two ways to find web pages

First - His www.google.com/addurl.html be linked to El URL

2, go to find links to Web

When the Google bot comes so he took a page showing all the links on this page.Google makes the boot very quickly a list of all links
So you can send it later indexorGoogle makes a well search the Web in a month
Change links and information takes notes.In this way he gets the updated index.Google 

Google bot indexor the 'View a list of all your search page.This information is saved in Google's index databaseThis index are placed in alphabetical order.Google to improve their search for the index to ignore certain wordsS wordsWe (the, is, on, or, of, how, why).In addition, all words

Stores in small letters is hy.js increase in its performance.Google query processorMany are part of the query processor I-confirmThe user interface is also included.Google Page Rank is a systemWeb pages that gives classes.The page is the highest ratingThey are placed at the top.Google Always be sure that the content is good and the web page the page rank levels.In addition, Google also uses a machine learning technique.Thus the search engine performance is even better and people become Google's first choice.The search engine works? 

Search Engine

Contemporary no major search engines like websites,

 Because it is the only means through which the traffic to websites around the world.

Worldwide an estimated 80% of traffic comes through search engines on the web.

 Since the search engine is a very important source of traffic so you should be aware of search engines

 How does the search engine is basically a search engine configuration. Since a large Database

 In which hundreds of millions and even billions of websites information.

This information is when a user does a search on a keyword into a search engine on this information at this time.

Now the question is how search engines work?

The answer is very complicated, because search engines provide their information to people in a very complex way.

I understand the answer that you understand a few basic things to work when the search engine easier.

Listed below are the main part of the search engines that you should know about.

The search engine is that it consists of three parts

Crawler (Crawler)

Indexor (Indexer)

Interface (Interface)

Crawler (Crawler)

Contemporary no major search engines like websites,
Because it is the only means through which the traffic to websites around the world.Worldwide an estimated 80% of traffic comes through search engines on the web.
Since the search engine is a very important source of traffic so you should be aware of search engines
How does the search engine is basically a search engine configuration. Since a large Database
In which hundreds of millions and even billions of websites information.This information is when a user does a search on a keyword into a search engine on this information at this time.Now the question is how search engines work?The answer is very complicated, because search engines provide their information to people in a very complex way.I understand the answer that you understand a few basic things to work when the search engine easier.Listed below are the main part of the search engines that you should know about.The search engine is that it consists of three partsCrawler (Crawler)Indexor (Indexer)Interface (Interface)Crawler (Crawler)

Crawler Also known as Spider or the name of the boot.This search engine keeps turning left, up and down in your siteAnd whether the information contained in the page is saved in your database to read this in any case.
If a website does not violate them or made according to the rules of the search engines have been blacklisted.Saif walking to your website and get the data or information is the main objective of the crawler
But that does not set any time, any search engine crawler any time he can start working on your site.Since there are millions of websites crawler job is calculated based on these websites rankings and traffic.The Web site comes on a daily basis and some comes after weeks and months.Indexor (Indexer)If a search engine crawler has completed its work when it is launched later indexor work.This saves your account respectively received data and provide search engine crawler.Now when a user finds an object with the help of search engines give indexor immediately search engine results.In the search results so that any search on your desired search term in the search engine users are some of the results this way "Result 1-10 of 625,362"Which means that the index compared with the 625.362 page or kyurd to the search engines.Interface (Interface)This is the part of the search engine that appears to the user. This is the page where the user is writing the keyword who can easily see the results of your keyword.In this page the user can only see the results and the user does not know exactly
The results of the search engines is through what steps to achieve this?If you open the famous kuyy the search engines to visit you will see who make PageSearching for a text box in which it is made is called the interface of the pageBasic information for understanding the Google AdSense accountAfter logging in to Google AdSense account is the first screen you see
In a few things you see on a daily basis,
So everyone should know basic things about making it through Google AdSense,
Because of these things, you can significantly expand your arnng.We listed some well-known words and their meaning in telling Google below for your convenience.Clicks (Clicks)

It happens that a visitor clicks on an ad from the Google ads on a website clicks on your preferences,

Came in and clicking on another website or page where the visitor has no meaning.Click the result is a fixed amount for a Google ad.Google cut which gives the Commission krbqyh amount transferred to your account.Aid Code (Ad Code)This is the code that is Google, which offers its publisher publisher can show a post on the Google ads in your website.
These codes help to display Google ads in your site,

On the basis of these codes Google offers the Commission's part.Aid Unit (Ad Unit)It is the combination of ads that appear on the site page in different sizes in the form of image or text.
You can get the code from your AdSense account.Text Aid (Text Ad)Image Ad (Image Ad)Unlike text-ed the code after being posted on the Web site only and are based on images that displays advertisements.Channel (Channel)In your AdSense account to track the performance of any publisher's Google AdSense on your website is ranking
With the help of the channel separation is hyn.cynl You can also see separate report on the number of clicks on their websites and income.CPC (Cost Per Click)The amount as commission from Google after clicking on an ad, the ads were placed on your site is for you.Impressions (Impression)In case of change in your Google AdSense ads on your pages again blossom and other ad impressions is the look.
If your web site is no page refresh when it is opened or an impression is counted for Google ads.Page CTR (Page CTR)Click through rate CTR means what the source of your number of impressions and clicks on an ad on the site?
For example, this means that your page CTR is 2.4% if your site has 50,000 page impressions and 1,200 clicks in their impressions.Page E-CPM (Page eCPM)eCPM means Effective is Cost Per Thousand Impression,So, if your site has a thousand impressions you got, how much commission they amprysnz.This Is how to know if you have distributed your arnng amprysnz you will know the eCPMWhat is Google Analytics lytk?
Google aynalytk

He is a free service provided by Google that tells you about the number of visitors as well as Amdo activities from visitors to your website.

Google introduced a free service is offered to provide the same type of information.Google aynalytk is also available in many service marketAynalytk that works like Google but most of them are too expensive
Some are free, but many things are not available to you being free.Google aynalytk as a tracking toolBasic information with the help of this tool you can see the user's Visit, Page Views, Pages Per Visit, Bounce Rate, and Average Time on Site are remarkable. This is a webmaster who assisted with all things you can easily assess the quality of your website.Does Google track arnng aynalytk AdSense?Yes, you can also link to your Google account to your AdSense aynalytkAfter which you continue to have information about your AdSense arnng without logging in to your AdSense.The importance of Google aynalytk O SeSearch engine optimization, it is important aynalayzkrnabht
What is your web site's performance?
And based on the same performance, you set your strategy.Google aynalytk is best to check the quality of the performance.Aynalytk Google Search engine optimization helps you a lot.
Through this you can know how much traffic that your site where, how, and from whom kyurd?
Who is using the resources identified in the traffic to your site.After the traffic coming off your investment returns?
Lhzaanhy basis of things you can uylyuu can increase your site and earn more through their website.Aynalytk Google Account to be made?Google must know the efficacy of aynalytk Google aynalytk to every webmaster.
The question should be how it aynalytk Google Account?
Through this method is very easy if you have a Gmail account is an account you can create a Google account aynalytk.Open aynalytk site through www.google.com/analytics to Google aynalytk an account and become your Gmail login ID and password.
After that your account is ready.
The sites will still like you can track them by adding a comment.After adding your site to Google aynalytk will receive a JavaScript code that you're involved in every page of your website that you want to track.
can.Google is the standard and best service aynalytkIt has many functions within the gathered.
There is absolutely free for the webmaster as well as better performance.

5-  How'd blog

بلاگ کیسے بنائے

 What is Blogging and How to Create Free Blog
new-blogger-vs-wordpress blogging historyI have information which is made up of two English words web and log which is used for Web sites is kept to date.Weblog (weblog) word that bargr (Jorn Barger) are used for the first time since 1997 running Web log site called robotwisdom.com. The word blog mrhulz Peter (Peter Merholz) The funny word 'weblog' Break we used as a blog and here again the word 'blog' was famous.The site Xanga, who had a big name in blogging, blog, but until 1998 there were only 100 exceed 20 million by 2005. The tools come in many other blog hosting and blogging gained immense popularity. Open diary blogging first users of the facility to comment on any blog that is very successful.Live Journal provides a free and popular blogging service, private journal, blog, discussion forums and social networking site that facility. 1999 have now become far more than a million blogs and communities. Live Journal that you have given to this feature you can blog from your mobile phone.A couple of years ago blogs were only contain texts, but blogging is not just about writing and photos without fire, SketchUp blog, video blog, music blog, audio (podcast) to look after the common the scope is very wide and it has now become a big part of the Internet.Why blogging?Blogging is undoubtedly the Internet's most important activity data. Millions of people read their blogs or others write blog and it is being run on the Internet spread like an obsession. Thanks to hundreds of blogging tools have been useful to it. Moreover, even blogging using different dyuayss have been widely disseminated. But the question is why blogging is finally up?What are the different opinions about the blogs that we see before us.'Google Blogger, which is probably in the most major blogging' A blog is your personal diary, the diary of engagements throughout the day, creating a place where you touch, leading to a makzjhan News comes, and contacts stored on your personal views.This is the human-Fitr t want to explore, invent and thoughts. He wants to see what the other's thinking. This is the quest for forcing people to write blogs. Because the blog is a place where they can explain their views, open your discoveries, your project. In other words, a world government where they get the blog.Many companies are encouraging their employees to write blogs. Hundreds of Microsoft employees are regular blog contributor. The same goes for the employees of other companies to guide readers through the key experiences and observations in their blogs.About blogs is that they have become an important tool called politics. You write your blogs many political personalities of developed nations should not be surprised to learn. Evaluate the importance of blogs is estimated to be popular in Pakistan, a blogging service, Blogger was banned. This is the way I see the situation in many countries around the world.UN High ahdydran or researchers to the University, to movie stars or sources connected to those outlets, blogs have become the need.Blogs have become so popular that it has now become a means of making money. Hardly any popular blog is that you see the ads. I read the trend of other people, is more than writing my blog. Sometimes it is also seen that there is more to see a specific blog on the same site than the site. It is thought to advertising on blogs can benefit from their reputation. So while Google AdSense ads you live look at almost every big blog.How I made?Blog can be made in two ways. First registration on the website or if you have to write a blog hosting your blog. The second way is that you make your domain name and web hosting to buy and install your blog on a blogging tool on the site.A popular blog hosting providers coming forward in Google's Blogger (Blogger) spot or blog (Blogspot). It surely will be read with interest that Google had bought in view of the growing popularity of blogs blogger. Blogger is a very popular service. It offers many free templates for blogs that can be changed according to your needs. If you want to make your free Blogger blog on Blogger, visit the website:www.blogger.comMuuaybl type (Movable Type)Type Move Type is a popular blogging service. Muuaybl type of service was free at first, but later it was fixed after a gain popularity. Move Portable is the choice of two types of blogging. First, make your own blog site, type moves Portable, II took the software to install on your site. In muuaybl type of service was free but was later appointed the fee after receiving the approval. But recently they have published their free software. Now you can install on your site by typing muuaybl download free. However, in the case of muuaybl on the type of site you have to pay a fee. The most famous blogging service muuaybl type 2002 but after this the WordPress took a set fee. BBC Urdu service that contain blogs.http://www.movabletype.orgWordPress (WordPress)WordPress is a very popular service and is undoubtedly ranks among the most popular blogging services in the world at that time blogging. With its numerous attractive themes and plug-ins can give you some news from your site, blog site or some other form. Muuaybl type of WordPress is the choice of two types of blogging. WordPress is the biggest advantage of this flexible structure.WordPress can be easily adapted to every written language in the world. Because the source to the proper support is available free wordpress site, where WordPress users worldwide cooperation for the problems tend to solve problems within minutes.WordPress blogging tool that is built in PHP, an open-source program that can be easily installed on any website. WordPress should be your first choice if you want to make your Web site. Being made in PHP that can be run on both Windows and Linux hosting.http://wordpress.com

Urdu bloggingThe rapid growth of blogging has also affected Urdu, albeit late, but Urdu community understands that part of the blogging world is negligible. Urdu bloggers started to come out in 2005 and then Urdu bloggers helped them come to the fore written Urdu websites on the Internet. Today there is a large number of Urdu bloggers.An interesting blog was built on blogger:aili22.blogspot.com





What learning meaningful and positive use of Facebook and breakthroughs can benefit from it?Facebook Friends to make, the impact on the number and importance of your Facebook account to hide friendsFacebook no longer need any introduction. According to a recent report it using Facebook about a million people in Pakistan and most of them teenagers. Social media is the fastest growing in our lives, comes in the name of the first book. Contact via Facebook, share with others and post your ideas, make new friends, new, gossip etc. is now very easy for any person in any region askyalauh Facebook Advertisement Business Toolyou can keep an eye on. The fact that Facebook has become a universal source of social and business contacts today.Is. The large number of young people has caused a stir in his voice against injustice using the power of social media, evil and injustice. The news was prkbhy the print and electronic media monopoly and they were made to sit in closed fist on the phased cases. No longer possible to hide them. The situation leading Oriya Maqbool Jan R column will print and electronic media in a column of helplessness they write in a style described as "sitting at the computer Young made your cost millions the media is aympa yyrz competition. But then began to win her fate, which is a measure of the power of social media foam comes out of their mouths and they are boiling with anger again. There are those who claim that we can change the direction of winds are flowering their hands and feet.chessboard is placed upside down. "I Oriya Maqbool Jan, can be the perfect way of saying that the importance of social media. Facebook is going to come to terms with the news that adorn some new research. The news is a warning to those who use Facebook and have discussed the benefits gained from this research. Facebook use is high or there is evidence of damage to the mind of every person in this regard. Which has no value, importance or value of each vote that plays an important role carcyzyn uylyumyn your Facebook account .The first is that the number of friends and in the community, one of your "About the "section, which usually is not completely left. Third, your profile picture, some people have put pigeons image and fourth shots of your friends and Comment and Like others post. If you do not want to needlessly ryjykt Friend Request the ones you see in others the importance of facebook account, give a good number of people to fryndlst .and your friends FacebookMark, who had not applied for your picture on your Facebook ID, they are reluctant to trust them, women are free to picture conditions. Instead of countless daily posts, post the appropriate number on your Facebook Wall that are very important, they come from too tight to the post, which is also good with people, if anythis right does that give you the best response. The following are all little things that you can establish a good impression to others on social media.the number in the thousands.I want to introduce people to grow more than is necessary for that many people in your contact book.Keep yourself wishing restricted circle, but if you have an understanding of the importance and impact of Social Media, you have to change your mood.Ephraim also daysy jufys are some of your friends to hide their feedback on what it is about because, in his mind a few Facebook friends at their first in Karachi Asim Allah Dadand this trend is even more so in Karachi, so I was forced Hyde to my list.Lena is better. When I was little, I did not fryndthy Hide your friend list.should not, because increasing numbers of the friends and the importance of your Facebook account to these figures. I just thought it would be when it reaches tadadtyn thousand, I'll show my girlfriend my friends List will. Friend (s) list to hide a subject that there are strong arguments on both sides of the .For more would be better that you understand the unique, and they'll follow your heart.

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I try to read a message of peace will be good, God willing, I will get some useful articles and poetry about qraan ahadees Also of interest...