Message of Peace Friday 9 August 2024 Top websites I try to read a message of peace will be good, God willing, I will get some useful articles and poetry about qraan ahadees
Wednesday, 27 March 2019
Women and Employment
In Islam, it is primarily
that the woman should stay in her house and
go out of the house at the time of need, it is narrated:
وقرن في بيوتكن ولا تبرجن تبرج الجاهلية الأولى
Translation: And stay stuck in your homes, do not pretend to appear before the natives like ignorant. [الأحزاب: 33]
Although this ruling is narrated by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), but the wives of all believers are under them in this order, because it is because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to the wives of the Prophet And the value and importance of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is very high due to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and all the believers are samples for other believers' wives.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: (It is a matter of concealing a woman, when the woman comes out of the house, Satan deviates it, and the woman is closer to Allah when she is in the inner part of the house)
This narration has been narrated by Ibn Huban and Ibn Kharimah, and Albani has described it in the chain of transmission (2688) correct.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said about praying in the women's mosque: (Their homes are better for them) Abu Daud: (567) Albani has declared it right in Abu Dawood.
It is permissible to leave the house for a woman to work, but there are some rules and conditions if it is present, it will be permissible for a woman to go out for work, such as:
- The woman needs to work, and she wants to make her work as a means of income to fulfill her needs, she does not have any salary. Then she has been working under these principles.
1. The work is that the body, creation, and mood coincides with gender delicately, for example: medicine, nursing, teaching, sewing embroidery etc.
2. Work only women, do not mix with stranger people.
3. During the work, the woman should complete the Shari'ah hijab.
4. There is no reason to travel without mahram because of work.
5. Do not commit any unlawful work to go for work, for example: traveling alone with driver, perfume to alien men etc.
- Do not be disturbed due to employment, such as: Home care, husband and child needs to be fulfilled on time.
Shaykh Muhammad bin Saleh Usman said:
The work place for the woman should be such where: Only women should work, such as: work in educational institutions of girls, whether working at work or artificial, stitching women's clothing etc. in their homes, or so Do any other work
So in places where men work, then there is no right to work for a woman, because it will mix with men, and it is a very serious nature of circumcision, which is very important to avoid. It is important to note that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: (After me, there will be no guilt in women for men, the trial of the children of Israel was also done through women), therefore this responsibility was made at the head of the house That is, save your family from the causes of devotees and causes of worship. "
فتاوى المرأة المسلمة "(2/981)
If all these conditions are found in your work place, then Allah Almighty has no intention.
We ask Allah to bless you with good-doers, surely He is able to do it and He can do it.
The Prophet
اسلام میں اصولی طور پر تو یہ ہے کہ عورت اپنے گھر میں ہی رہے اور گھر سے باہر ضرورت کے وقت ہی جائے، فرمانِ باری تعالی ہے:
وَقَرْنَ فِي بُيُوتِكُنَّ وَلَا تَبَرَّجْنَ تَبَرُّجَ الْجَاهِلِيَّةِ الْأُولَى
ترجمہ: اور اپنے گھروں میں ٹکی رہو، پہلے دورِ جاہلیت کی طرح غیروں کے سامنے اظہار زینت مت کرو۔[الأحزاب: 33]
یہ حکم اگرچہ نبی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی ازواج مطہرات کیلیے ہے لیکن تمام مومنوں کی بیویاں بھی اس حکم میں ان کے ماتحت ہیں، اس کی وجہ یہ ہے کہ نبی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی بیویوں کو مخاطب اس لیے کیا ہے کہ ان کی شان اور قدر و منزلت رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی وجہ سے بہت بلند ہے اور تمام امہات المؤمنین دیگر مومنوں کی بیویوں کیلیے نمونہ ہیں۔
آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کا فرمان ہے: (خاتون چھپانے کی چیز ہے، جب خاتون گھر سے باہر نکلتی ہے تو شیطان اسے تاڑتا ہے، اور عورت اللہ تعالی کے قریب تر اس وقت ہوتی ہے جب وہ گھر کے اندرونی حصے میں ہو)
اس روایت کو ابن حبان اور ابن خزیمہ نے نقل کیا ہے ، اور البانی نے سلسلہ صحیحہ میں (2688) اسے صحیح قرار دیا ہے۔
آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے خواتین کی مسجد میں نماز ادا کرنے سے متعلق فرمایا: (ان کے گھر ان کیلیے بہتر ہیں) ابو داود: (567)اسے البانی نے صحیح ابو داود میں صحیح قرار دیا ہے۔
عورت کیلیے ملازمت کی خاطر گھر سے نکلنا جائز ہے، لیکن اس کے کچھ اصول و ضوابط ہیں اگر یہ موجود ہوں تو عورت کیلیے کام کی غرض سے باہر نکلنا جائز ہو گا، جیسے:
- عورت کو کام کرنے کی ضرورت ہو،اور اپنی ضروریات پوری کرنے کیلیے ملازمت کو آمدن کا ذریعہ بنانا چاہتی ہوں اس کا کوئی زریعہ معاش نہ ہو۔ تب وہ ان اصولوں کے تحت نوکری کر سکی ہے۔
۱ ۔ کام ایسا ہو جو جسم، تخلیق، اور مزاج ہر اعتبار سے صنف نازک کے ساتھ میل رکھتا ہو، مثلاً: طب، نرسنگ، تدریس، سلائی کڑھائی وغیرہ۔
۲ ۔ ملازمت کی جگہ صرف خواتین کام کرتی ہوں، وہاں پر اجنبی لوگوں کے ساتھ اختلاط نہ ہو۔
۳ ۔ کام کے دوران عورت شرعی حجاب کا مکمل اہتمام کرے۔
۴ ۔ کام کی وجہ سے بغیر محرم کے سفر کرنا نہ پڑے۔
۵ ۔ کام کیلیے جاتے ہوئے کسی حرام کام کا ارتکاب نہ کرنا پڑے، مثلاً: ڈرائیور کے ساتھ تنہا سفر کرنا، اجنبی مردوں تک پہنچنے والی خوشبو لگانا وغیرہ۔
- ملازمت کی وجہ سے ضروری امور میں خلل پیدا نہ ہو، مثلاً: گھر کی دیکھ بھال، شوہر اور اولاد کی ضروریات وقت پر پوری کرنا۔
شیخ محمد بن صالح عثیمین رحمہ اللہ کہتے ہیں :
عورت کیلیے ملازمت کی جگہ ایسی ہونی چاہیے جہاں: صرف عورتیں ہی کام کریں، مثلاً: لڑکیوں کے تعلیمی اداروں میں کام کرے، چاہے وہاں پر کام ادارتی ہو یا فنی ، اپنے گھر میں رہتے ہوئے خواتین کے کپڑے وغیرہ سلائی کرے ، یا اسی طرح کا کوئی اور کام کرے۔
لہذا ایسی جگہیں جہاں پر مرد حضرات کام کرتے ہوں تو وہاں پر عورت کیلیے کام کرنا جائز نہیں ہے؛ کیونکہ اس سے مردوں کے ساتھ اختلاط لازم آئے گا، اور یہ بہت سنگین نوعیت کا فتنہ ہے جس سے بچنا انتہائی ضروری ہے، یہ بات ذہن نشین کرنا بھی ضروری ہے کہ نبی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے فرمایا: (میرے بعد مردوں کیلیے خواتین سے بڑا کوئی فتنہ نہیں ہو گا، بنی اسرائیل کی آزمائش بھی خواتین کے ذریعے ہوئی تھی) اس لیے گھر کے سربراہ پر یہ ذمہ داری عائد ہوتی ہے کہ فتنوں کی جگہوں اور فتنوں کے اسباب سے اپنے اہل خانہ کو بچا کر رکھے" انتہی
فتاوى المرأة المسلمة " ( 2 / 981 )
اگر یہ تمام شرائط آپ کے کام کرنے کی جگہ میں پائی جائیں تو ان شاء اللہ اس میں کوئی حرج نہیں ہے۔
ہم اللہ تعالی سے دعا گو ہیں کہ اللہ تعالی آپ کو نیک رفیق حیات نصیب فرمائے، بیشک وہ اس پر قادر ہے اور وہی یہ کر سکتا ہے۔
واللہ اعلم.
شادی کو رہ گئے تھے صرف دو مہینے.
حاصل کرنا چاہتی تھی ترقی کے وہ زینے.
اْسے پھر مل گئی سیکٹری کی نوکری.
بن سنور کر جانے لگی دفتر وہ چھوکری.
دفتری ماحول سے ہو گئی متاثر.
بھولنے لگا اسے اپنا منگیتر ناصر.
کم عمری اور لاابالی پن تھا طبیعت کا حصّہ.
اس بات پہ بن گیا اک گھنائونا قصّہ.
افسر کا مزاج تھا پختہ اور میچور.
اْسے نہ پسند تھا جھگڑا اور شور.
تحفے دیکر کرنے لگا سیکٹری کو مرعوب.
طبیعت کی لالچن تھی سیکٹری خوب.
کی ہوئی تھی والدین نے آنکھیں اپنی بند.
دو ماہ بعد ڈال دے گے شادی کی کمند.
اس دوران میں کر لے خوب عیش وآرام.
سسرال میں کرنا ہے پھر کا م ہی کام.
دوبئی جانے کا لے آئی بیٹی گھر ویزا.
لالچ دیا گھر والوں و لے آئوں گی پیزا.
بات صرف ہے اک ہفتے کی ماں.
ایسے موقعے بار بار ملتے ہیں کہاں.
سرکاری کام سے جارہے ہیں سر طاہر.
پرائیویٹ سیکٹری کو بھی جانا پڑے گا باہر.
مردو عورت کا جارہا ہے اکٹھا گروپ.
ضدی بیٹی کے آگے ہو گئے دونوں چپ.
وسوسے نے کیا ماں کو پریشان.
بیٹی نے مانگ لی فورًا لسٹ سامان.
فلاں فلاں کے لیے لائوں گی ایسے تحائف.
پہلے صرف سنی ہوگی اس کی حکایت.
لسٹ سامان سے دل کو ہوئی تسلی.
بیٹی کو بھیج دیا پرائے لوگوں کی گلی.
واپسی پہ بیٹی پہ عجب تھا نکھار.
جہیز کے سامان کا چڑھنے لگا خمار.
ملنے لگے سر کو اکثر باہر کے ویزے.
سیکٹری بھی جانے لگی کھانے وہاں کے پیزے.
پیٹ میں اٹھا شادی کے بعد مڑوڑ.
سات ماہ کے بیٹے نے مچایا خوب شور.
آنکھیں تھی بچے کی سر کی طرح نیلی.
عزت لوٹنے کے واقعہ سے آنکھ ہوئی گیلی.
- زنا اور جسمانی نقصانات
پہلا گناہ ا س کا بےپردگی کا ہوا.
شادی کے بعد ہل گیا جسم کا روا روا.
منہ بند کر کے گئی وہ سسرال گھر.
دل میں مگر بیٹھ گیا خوف اور ڈر.
نکاح کے بعد مل گیا سکون و اطمینان.
سولی پر لٹک گئی مگر اس کی جان.
گناہ کا بوجھ تھا دل پر بڑا.
پیٹ میں موجود تھا گناہ کا گڑھا.
یعنی کے پیٹ میں افسر کا تھا بچہ.
خاوند کا مل رہا تھا پیار بہت سچا.
یہی بات کافی تھی ملامت کرنے کو.
خدا کے آگے جھک گئی دونوں جہاں دو.
احساس گناہ کا ہوا جب پردہ اس پہ فحش.
ڈال لیتی چہرے پر حجاب میں کاش.
احساس گناہ سے نہ رہا چہرہ اس کا حسین.
اللہ کے آگے اس نے جھکا دی اپنی جبین.
چہرے کو لیپٹ گئے بیماریوں کے دھاگے.
بےپردگی کا گناہ آگیا آگے.
تل کئی قسم کےچھا گئے چہرے پر .
چہرے کی بیماریاں داخل ہوئی اس کے گھر.
Just two months left the wedding.
She wanted to get married.
She got her job again.
The office started going to Bonnar.
Affected by the office environment.
I forgot to see her niece.
Part of the nature was lesser and less fit.
This is what happened to me.
The officer's temper was strong and compassionate.
He did not like fights and noise.
The gift to the factory seemed to be a gift.
The beauty of nature was the factory.
The parents had made their eyes closed.
Two months later, the wedding arm will put.
In the meantime I have a good deal.
I have to do in the lawsuit again.
Daughter home visa to Dubai
Paused family members will take pizza.
It's just a weekend mother.
Where do you find such occasions?
Sir Tahir is going on official work.
The private factory will also have to go out.
The dead group is going to collect group.
Both chip went ahead of a weak daughter.
Why did the mother trouble her mother?
Daughter asked list immediately.
There are many such gifts for you.
First of all he has listened to his rule.
List of comfort with the list.
Sent to the daughter, instead of the people.
Look at the daughter at the return point.
Dismissing climbing equipment
Meet the head often to watch out.
The restaurant also has some food to go there.
Frying after stomach getting married.
The seven-month-old son told me noise.
The eyes were nail like baby's head.
The eye-eyed eye-eyed incident
Thursday, 14 September 2017
Dua (Kalsoom Parveen) 20 Jul 2017
I try to read a message of peace will be good, God willing, I will get some useful articles and poetry about qraan ahadees Also of interest to women and children will be provided
Wednesday, 13 September 2017
ھْوَاللہْ الَّذِی لَآِالٰہَ اِلَّا ھْوَ
Do not ever doubt that.
That there is no god but Him.
The ability to not to God.
Lord, art thou going to become our partner.
Graves are fair or offering sufficient.
Not the Lord, art my generation.
We also offer to your name.
To be step by Allah.
Do not ever doubt that.
No god other than Allah.
Remove us from the innovations of ritual.
Always before you head down.
Every time we are with you.
Giving the world the way.
Amen to that hope from you.
I can not accept that and down.
Do not ever doubt that.
That there is no god but Him.
Very Beneficent.
You will be captivated on every play.
Write to a merciful God.
Afternoon of life or death.
The moment came a wave.
God give us His mercy hour.
Obeying the life and death.
I pray to merciful God.
To accept the voice lifetime.
Accept praying for mercy.
Finish it now, Lord, art a humiliating way.
Kind before the end came.
Now, Lord, art and improve the world.
I pray to merciful God.
To accept the voice lifetime.
I hear the words of God's mercy.
Unlimited attributes of Allah.
Unless the Lord gives us eyes.
Dear Jesus can not see the beloved colors.
If they do not give us a hearing ear.
Good not think this world.
Everyone craved sweet voices.
How do we hear without ears.
If the language does not have the same benefits.
What happens then to the world.
Where the difficulty of the sweet stuff.
Work is not a tune.
If neither of the hand and arm
How it works is so great.
How can we take great weight.
Just what the Creator said.
If you do not have the head and brain.
Look for new inventions again.
Large factories and factories.
How do the attributes of your mind.
We are supposedly the King of kings.
Any grass that subjects that do not.
Access to which is not a court.
Blowing have met kings pearls.
World leaders delivered a plea fell.
Last would come after the first stair ladder.
Recommended for the prevention of foot.
Two trays filled with the berries sector.
The application has reached the world over.
This is not the pride of any home.
I would also request the Secretary only.
Take appointment letter from you so the factory.
Example of stairs is Shirk.
Celebrate the beauty that God would reach.
This association is based on a misunderstanding.
Islam is doomed to be misunderstood.
Intercessors stands by the crowd.
That the only way to meet Monday.
The foolish man has done folly.
Someone that shares God's kingdom.
This association is based on a misunderstanding.
The waste our ideas is wrong.
Geeky God to reach people who have been determined.
Our Lord will not hear about it through without.
Do not force God to fulfill the obligation;
What are the qualifications to be created;
The gods are with God and man;
What we will not accept instruments of God;
The management has tasked several areas;
The son or daughter wants to invent a slave;
He is incapable of officers and helpers;
Monday's wash feet before it is if it meet me;
He has made several field for divine kingdom;
God deals with them by the legs;
It can be helpful to the search for;
The Creator Creator destitute without them;
Monday and mentor Willie lawful purpose.
What is the witness of their feet;
One hundred eleven verses of Surah Bani Israel.
Which gives us guidance.
That the Lord their faults and shortcomings.
Weaknesses and the idolatrous.
Errors do we associate with God.
I have long been ill omen.
Those riches polytheistic faith.
BUY stories of the Gospel and the Torah.
Gospel and the Torah is now extinct.
The fact we have shown the way.
Is Allah the Almighty.
Do the same with faith.
Perfect knowledge of its existence.
God is going to love it.
To pass naturally included.
Never again does not forgive the sinner.
They are perfect in their power.
Strength is also included in this attribute.
The work has to be dominant.
The unlimited Him.
Everything with God's knowledge.
Not abiding by its own deficit.
Judge of the world's books.
Man refuses God becomes unjust.
Sean is the most detached.
Our advantage is that in a single bound.
One is single and alone.
This creates sloppy with her.
If I do not love his glory.
Man caught on the slightest mistake.
اَلقْدْوسْ -5
Holy evils.Holy Spirit of God is evil.
It was not until the procession.
We are in God's hands tight.
Today he will fight it.
The chip on the front of the defect itself.
He removes the pitch dark.
If a man ever be excess.
The benefits they sense they are.
Pagans are Jewish or a pagan.
I believe the world's largest man.
Allah is free from any defect.
No group against him.
Separate story different denominations.
Resurrection is the day to tell God.
Each defect-free single God.
Then there is calm atmosphere of the universe.
Karim is perfect in every attribute only.
There is not a great person.
Is the creation of flaws.
God knows you fall defect.
See the evils of the human eye.
Eyes humiliations it spreads everywhere.
In Allah's sight is good, good.
The testimony comes from the colors of the universe.
Only the Lord is perfect in every attribute.
Incomplete figures in the world.
Flawless race.
One can recap each house.
Full no man.
Hardness lies somewhere in the mood.
Vicious lies somewhere misfortune.
No light in the eye.
Baby anywhere without legs.
Everywhere incomplete figures.
Essence of God is flawless.
Allah is free from any defect.
Man's manner is not covered.
Is the story of walking disability.
Many youth are getting lost.
Heart wall or a heart attack.
Is a mind-crack.
Many diseases of the eyes and body.
Where it will be launched.
Hidden Secrets them see their faults.
Is a disgrace and a privilege.
No creature is not without blemish.
The sunny Why does the grief go.
Allah is free from faults only.
The universe is a witness.
Love the peace and security.
Defect removal is a forgiving God.
Storm may be up against.
Do not lose faith in adversity.
Suddenly it appears to be our fault.
Still not be beyond belief.
The creatures are on the faults.
The fall better to perfect.
Giving faith.
Man among peaceful faith.
God does love them.
Today is bound to fear man.
Fear is spread by equipment.
A fear incurable disease.
Your debt any trouble.
There is no doubt in their views.
Hemmed in understanding of the devil.
No scare the sons of disobedience.
Is no violence from their youth.
A sad pile of money.
Not the fear of the Lord.
Where I have been away from grief.
How can I bear the excess to neighbors.
Partial care about any of your PIN.
The flesh and the evil of polio paralysis.
There is facing enemy fire.
The groups are fragmented by grief.
No trouble getting lean is seen.
The absence of several sugar is displayed.
Blood rasher that are so common today.
We do not greet each other.
Many cancers have created web.
Who have houses with grief and anxiety.
So that the anxiety and hardship.
So what we are calling the self belief.
Is a call to faith.God's servants is waking time.
I will give peace and faith.
The bow before him.
Every time I pray all the time.
Apparatus keep peace and faith.
And improve the life of faith.
I bowed my children always to you.
We have to succeed in life.
I always turn to my generation.
Guardian He is chair of the cordon.
Who created heaven and earth.
He never sleeps nor slumber.
He is not in a moment of carelessness.
They do not guard our tire.
We believe that.
He has started every breath we take.
Not the desire for yourself.
Never think that God is far away.
I would definitely call is answered.
Praise is close to our jugular vein.
Thinking the man is strange.
No doubt he knows the unseen.
Hides defect everyone.
To hide or be seen.
I remember that careless.
Our God is the God.
We distaste O faults.
I will not forgive him for forgetting.
Each disbelieve every shirk our repentance.
They do not guard our tire.We believe that.
Our Lord all mighty
All who know this world.
Many of the Lord is beckoning us.
Many have been overwhelmed by sadness and grief.
Man builds the project.
How he thinks it is submerged.
Plans or to have doubt.
God delivered us to perform.
This sign magnitude earthquakes.
That God will finish this story.
Appearance that the arrival of floods.
Approved a provision that the openness or tightness.
The problem is that the lack of rain.
God is the mighty sign.But he is Almighty.
A person may not be so lucky in life.
Today we are promised God.
We do love, mercy agreement.
I and my entire family.
Both must take care in the world.
Excuse us to pay weaknesses and sins.
To give clear guidance to both worlds.
The tremendous.All we know is great.
Gives many low and many more.
Giving us more or less.
He is willing to comfort the grief.
High trees and the big mountain.
Explains that Allah is Mighty, Forgiving.
Join between the sun and the moon.
Excessive collection of salads humans.
That man is helpless and vulnerable.
Can not even your finger.
If the force is to be recognized.
Look the person.
The world or the universe.
Just hold the essence of God.
Hovered in the air a round circle.
Hey, man of the house did not fall.
Every moment that the earth is moving.
Thanksgiving blessing that every moment in adoration..
Or who has ceased to command the land.
From the windows of pardon and forgiveness for us.
God spread throughout the world in the book.
Be the sake of your name in the world.
So we have tremendous know.
Thy mercy, we believe prevail.
Do you make of the mercy.
Closed path of sorrow and suffering.
Give a refreshing peace and faith.
Both the troubles replaced by peace.
Tuesday, 12 September 2017

The attributes of God's names in poetry.
The names of the attributes of God in poetry.
Lord, art become a light to my heart.
And the server can accept the call.
I always loved the song of the same cow.
To the pen where the hands and feet.
Thus giving me a one organ.
Whatever, Lord, art good to be wasted.
If the hands and feet become light pen.
The call can be accepted and the process server.
Your lips are moving, always mentioning.
Always worried about his praise and praise.
Streaks in the hands of the Lord.
Devil take away from us all.
If the hands become the light streaks.
And the server can accept the call.
Lord, art become so beloved of my heart.
Accept him and be proud of.
- Pray
O Divine it.
I believe the Lord of glory.
Live your grace set the tone.
We're looking at your mercy.
Give us wisdom wise perfect.
Indeed, we find that beneficial.
They give us patience.
Reward we get in the back.
Body so we can give you.
God was patient in practice.
He then gave me a language.
Your blessings are grateful.
We can give you a hand.
We are writing to praise thee for ever.
We have the leisure provision.
Not have to be dependent on anyone.
Of the religion which attempts.
Approved in your court.
Our Lord is the Lord of Angels.
All are the servants of the Lord.
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I try to read a message of peace will be good, God willing, I will get some useful articles and poetry about qraan ahadees Also of interest...

I try to read a message of peace will be good, God willing, I will get some useful articles and poetry about qraan ahadees Also of interest...
I try to read a message of peace will be good, God willing, I will get some useful articles and poetry about qraan ahadees Also of interest...
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