Friday, 15 March 2024

health is your kitchen

I try to read a message of peace will be good, God willing, I will get some useful articles and poetry about qraan ahadees Also of interest to women and children will be provided

1-Treatment of ribs

    2-  Treatment with flowers

    3-Fruit pros and cons

    The problem of excess mucus after a cold heart lgyaur felt bound to let the sounds of whistles from the breast began to remove the mucus with the cough
    So it is that the ribs have been complaining of the cold

    .dysy Mrgy soup, broth to be the goat, black pick the pot, grapes, figs, turnips, radishes, carrots, porridge, bread and lentil use many of the same light diets.
     The cab, as most domestic medical cassia pulp and indigenous 1 gram of sugar boiled in one cup water 1/2 grams of flowers bnfsh to drink twice a day mixed as necessary.
    Avoiding fried and baked diets
     And until he does not feel completely right to use cold water, sour milk and yogurt and simple things should be abandoned
    Two times a day .For the treatment of food eaten two tablets pslyanbad Hub kbd ammonia.
    Sleep at night, eat or wash two, marmalades Africa
     Morning and evening, he must walk half an hour fast feet and if possible do not exercise.
     A few days from the start to be used to improve your health gy.lykn will continue even after two to three weeks to avoid any health food recovered.

    Image result for apple image

    Apple is a fruit that is, the fruit of our daily life, normal use of this advantage would be very surprised to hear you.
    Such a complex disease that is very difficult to treat just one apple has the power to fight against the disease in humans should eat each day to eat the apple and avoid the disease.
    This occurred in which a research in Italy. The research in experimental university makes it stated that only one apple esophageal daily, lung, mouth, intestines, and reduces significantly the risk of breast cancer, but will end it somewhat .

    This research was carried forward over 40 and had been one of these reports and assessed the relationship between diet and cancer.
    Chemical mix apples noted the researchers, there are molecules are present in sufficient quantity and with that reduces the risk of cancers of various kinds.
    This information will be further investigated and it will be brought to the fore and will be included in the diet of cancer sick of it.
    Flu nuydz and they are full of apples not only prevent cancer from chemical but also with regards to the protection of cardiovascular diseases as well.

    Benefits of green leaves
      Nutrients are found in many green vegetables every disease

    The calciumironvitamins A and C, and vitamin is very useful for health

    CorianderA vegetable whose name seems to have come to realize more and freshness. If you do not eat coriander does not enhance the taste of food.
    He has made massive strength and nutrition in their green leaves.No medical and food experts used to digest everything's instituting coriander, blood pressure
    Blood and bones; leaders need to wash verse brings profit.Coriander seedsThe water seems to be drinking the liquid off from the father of Arthur LiAround the world in general and Indian Subcontinent, especially coriander kitchen is integral part of India. It not only enhances the flavor of any dish but also the appetite aroma.
    The more people think about the coriander, the benefits are much more than they think, we will get you familiar with some of the most important benefits of coriander.

    DiabetesIndia and Pakistan across the two main headquarters of the continent are becoming diabetics, because people here do not look for new ways to fight the disease, but we can tell you that in this context, coriander the rich can help.It is low in insulin and sugar levels in the sap of the British Journal of coriander, according to a study published in Nutrition found that compounds, which are included in the blood.Cholesterol

    If the situation might have put the coriander leaves for you if you are worried about the increasing levels of cholesterol in your body. Coriander has prevented the growth of cholesterol levels in your body.Blood pressureDnyaastamal If you suffer from high blood pressure, which can lead to profits. Kulnyrjk coriander leaves are rich in calcium and mix the two components are made proportional to the circulation.Digestive systemIf you suffer from indigestion governing coriander can help you. Nutrients from the various coriander boost its stomach digestive system gives improved performance.Inflammation

    Coriander leaves, according to research published in the Dutch Journal of reducing the infection naturally by the body.

    Coriander oilTo a mixture of omega three and six affected place you can get a quick rest.Anti-bacterial
    The coriander may include anti-bacterial compounds, which can be very helpful in the treatment of any type of infection.Mouth blistersCheck out sap blisters on her with the cilantro and blisters will go away.In addition, cancer treatment, is also tra coriander important medicine to increase immunity and good sleep

    Indian method of treatment to free his philosophy is alive and often lent today,
    World Health OrganizationIt has also been confirmed by the excitement and enthusiasmAccording to experts, green leafy vegetables every disease fighting nutrients are found in abundanceWe offer eight different ways of treatment may be useful for you pagoThese addresses are I-calcium, iron, vitamins A and C, vitamin else who is also very useful for health.

    The addresses used in these remedies will be found easily at any herbal shop or sell plants.1. Mask for hair
    By combining the first to mask rattan holdings in oil laid down in five minutes waterDo not worry it will change its color.Spinach, fenugreek, lettuce leaves and berry leavesTake two to three leaves are dry at the front end of the probe from Dum Dum to take a bit of muslin cloth pieceThis mixture can keep the bottle in the refrigerator for up to everyday use.
    Apply crushed therein acmc sagudanh and then mix by adding a tablespoon of crushed almonds, then add the oil to the roots holding rattan found therein.Half an hour after the wash.

    Treat asthma and cough.Helps to restore the flow of mucus out of the respiratory fenugreek seeds and leaves of Matthew comes to rest in asthma and cough by drinking a decoction with honey.3. Treat Warts.Catch Barry's peacock feather leaves to make peace with the weight. Do not use water.The founder of the essenceWarts, Whitehead and apply three times a day at Black HeadWarts, etc. will automatically drop gy.mur the white feather to those plants that do not will find it easier to4. Face mask




    • Every day over many disease eating apples
    • Every day over many disease eating apples
    3-  Treatment with flowers

    پھولوں سے علاج

    Flowers, spiritual and physical effectsSo Allah's Lordship underlies everything in the universe, but cheerful colors and fascinating Flowers 'beauty' color that best reflects the nature and sensitivity zaay flowers that nature has given unprecedented. Bharyn of beautiful colors and lit by ltaty flower fragrance universe of true beauty.Flower influencesIf the flowers are numerous kinds when it is surprising to see that each flower separately if perfume fragrance in flowers.
    If all the plants flower color flower color separately.Flowers are rich in natural colors and perfumes.
    The presence of flowers is not only beautiful but also fragrant perfumed environment and the human mind is juzhny and cause physical and heartfelt happiness.
    Says one researcher says is a pure form of living energy fragrant perfume of flowers that we can move the body. The flowers, which are produced thanks to the good feeling flowers are a symbol of purity can lead to spiritual comfort. Kusnmarng floral scent and give comfort to our nerves.Flowers contain the influences because of its purity, beauty and beautyAre.Which is said about grdrngun shrinking circle of man's body and spreads to atarcrhaw a man who circle Spirituality, Health and watch the flowers reflects the feelings, smell and touch Man to contribute to enhancing the spiritual strength. Flowers are so strong that they look inside, smelling and touching the nerves sense of spiritual nourishment. That is why people are sick get the strange gift of flowers peace. The problem is, or if he spent some time among the flowers in a natural state of tranquility, a sense of joy and freshness and puts a positive impact on their nerves pleasing fragrance. So we feel a calm herself.Treatment with flowersThere is the smell of old, and the lead is received through the flowers. People consider their tastes its usefulness and importance today. Use floral fragrance (perfume) does not reflect a person's temperament is rather effective and useful in many diseases.At the end of the last century, the French scientist's invention of the aromatherapy aromatic plants, which means that it does take away some diseases, smell the fragrant components of the flowers and oxen to them
    And allows them to work therapy.
    If we study the ancient history, the fragrance of the ancient Greek civilization that comes from the Arab, Chinese aurbrsgyr has played a very important role. For the start of an estimated aromatherapy ancient Egyptians did it in normal life. Egypt had found the reality of the fragrance. The fact that the scent of the flowers is severely prmtasr human emotions and mental state.The scent of flowers and plants are different and separate utility.
    Often fragrant flowers in small amounts. 200 kg only have a basic Gland kg of fresh flowers.
    Aroma massage oil is absorbed into the body from the main body msamat existence.
    It can smell the water vapor enhancement to your beauty because it has the ability to quickly absorb the scent of the body. These measures relieve the scent entered the body.The interesting thing is that everyone has a distinct smell of flesh sweet scented fragrance differently on each of the two purveyors to make a composition.Many purveyors of mental fog cleared.
    I think restoring the ability to understand and many perfumes are the amazing.
    Nervous tension, depression, irritability, insomnia, torment and cooling thanks to the fragrance of flowers (perfumes) are joking and refreshing spiritual nourishment and Elbow pleasant mood.Flowers in human livesFlowers are a beautiful gift of nature: the colors are given in the world.Flowers are used in many ways. In the old days, people are using the phulunka worship, festivals, weddings and other events.Flowers are delicate, sensitive and elegant and beautifulOf which are very popular among women.Women around the world have a special passion for flowers and use each other for their beauty. The gap between rich and poor does not adopt a fashion that.Summer flower jewelry women are particularly at center.The bride's beauty is incomplete until it is considered that half rose and jewelry are not included in this renovation.
    Flowers not only look good but they seem to make any sense of refreshment. Flowers that are different ideas and thoughts about the flowers in different countries of the world are offered as a gift to brides in Bangladesh, the flowers are reserved for funerals in the West. The white flowers are a source of joy that flowers are used in many countries, while some countries only mourn. Yellow flowers that are presented as an expression of their love and devotion in France that flowers are an affront to women in Russia.


    3-Fruit pros and cons

    The importance of fruit and vegetables

    Fruits and vegetables, vitamins, minerals and protein diet full of a powerful

      Everyone's super important these benefits in our lives -

    We all know that "an apple a day, doctor away!

    But the truth is that we are following this very low

    پھلوں کے فائدے اور نقصانات

    پھل اور سبزیاں وٹامن، معدنیات اور لحمیات سے فل اک طاقتور غذا ہے
     ہماری زندگی میں ان کے فوائد ہر لحاظ ے سپر ہیں
    ہم سب   جانتے ہےکہ -ایک سیب ایک دن ڈاکٹرسے دور رکھتا ہے 

    لیکن سچ یہ ہے ہم بہت کم اس پر عمل کرتے  ہیں
     فوائد پھل اور سبزیوں کے بارے میں دلچسپ معلومات 


     Apple is the best brain food because it is found in fruits other than phosphorus and iron overdoseAnd phosphorus is the real brain food is cheaper supply of apples correcting liver function.

    Blood brain is created using the periodic empowering. Brown has flourishedHeading arise cheeks. Profit kidney and dental benefits for women should eat plenty of apples with feature

    Most monitors use Female from many diseases largely in terms of effectiveness hot apple

    Apple jamApple is good for the brain and blood weakness is somewhat heavy and lasting digest



    Mango is nutritious and digestive irritants. Warm water is the basis of temperament. Creates new blood fat body. And that reform is taken

    And urine.

    Mango is strength in the body after drinking milk. Stomach and lungs, heart and brain

    Mango is harmful to eat on an empty stomach.

    Sour mango is also harmful.

    Ripe mango sweet and fiber is good.


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    I try to read a message of peace will be good, God willing, I will get some useful articles and poetry about qraan ahadees Also of interest to women and children will be provided


    I try to read a message of peace will be good, God willing, I will get some useful articles and poetry about qraan ahadees Also of interest...