Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Children's stories

I try to read a message of peace will be good, God willing, I will get some useful articles and poetry about qraan ahadees Also of interest to women and children will be provided

1-Works for Children

2 - Children's stories

3- Play Game


1-Works for Children

بچوں کے لیے کام


 Child labor and PakistanChild labor and PakistanPakistan Constitution and laws prohibiting employment of children under fourteen years of hard work has been banned.What is child labor? Please guide.ILO and UNICEF to work done by children can not be classified as child labor. Child labor and child labor and child work in (the need to distinguish between children's work). If the child work personal and physical development of the child and do not put bad effect on his education does not work like child labor for example, if a child will be returning to school or work if during school holidays or family helping hand in the business of child labor, but it will not be so important for the work: and the children's personal development not only to members but also helps to make them useful skills he's society.According to ILO, child labor is the one children lose their childhood aspirations, decent and dignified life and for the harm their physical, mental and moral development and that they had any objection to compulsory education Now the question arises that how can we differentiate between child labor and child work? The ILO determine the child's age, the nature of work, should be the development stage times and circumstances of individual countries. (Http://www.ilo.org/ipec/facts/lang--en/)According to UNICEF, the child is actually the kyylyyy age and considering the nature of the work at least more than the specified times. (Http://www.unicef.org/protection/index_childlabour.html)What are the rules concerning the prohibition of employment of children and child labor in Pakistan?Before we talk about the labor laws, let's first look at the constitutional provisions pertaining to child labor.State under Article 3, will ensure the gradual fulfillment of elimination of all types and basic principles of exploitation that everyone would work according to his ability, and everyone will be compensated according to his work.At fourteen years of age, Article 11 will not be engaged in any factory or mine or any other hazardous employment.From the age of five years under Article 25 will arrange for a compulsory and free education for the children of the age of sixteen manner as determined by law.State fair and soft conditions of the Article 37, that they must guarantee that that would not work in such occupations, women and children be improper for the their age or gender, from production to appoint and employ women and motherhood Rules for the incentives will be devised.· The rules specifically relating to child laborEmployment of Children Act 1991Employment of Children Rules 1995Besides, there are other laws that regulate the exercise of children's working conditions are related to work.The Mines Act, 1923Children (Pledging of Labour) Act, 1933Factories Act, 1934Road Transport Workers Ordinance, 1961Shops and Establishments Ordinance, 1969Merchant Shipping Ordinance 2001What is the minimum age limit for the job in Pakistan?Employment of Children Act refers to children under the age of fourteen years he is the adolescent age, which is more than fourteen years but less than eighteen years. As the constitution mentioned above, the minimum age limit of fourteen years eighteenth amendment actually the minimum age is sixteen years increased from fourteen years since the state kyylyyy according to the constitution of the twenty-fifth article they must for the children of sixteen years of age five and arrange free education to which every work before the age of sixteen years of a child that can be derived not work falls into the category of child labor can be made.It also mentions a few exceptions to the rule of law will be applied in some cases.By law, children of any profession, business and can not be put to work in production, which sets have been as dangerous, but if a child, engaged in family or private business R / family business or a Training / Training School (in the form of government or approved) are taking mtalqtrynng these professions or production processes will be subject to the prohibition of employment of children on them.Who has been producing works for the professions and the prohibition of child employment?Employment of Children Act / Employment Act of 1991, under section four of the federal government issued a notification can be made of all professions and production processes where the Federal Government ban on child employment in these occupations 2005 and notification of production processes has been the absolute ban on child employment.Schedule(Please see section 3)PartProfessionNo whichever professionTravelers, be related to the transportation of goods or postalFood supply goods to railway stations / mutual related communications, including arrangements for the employees to be included on other platforms from a moving train platform or climb or descentRailway stations or any other work that is being done between the near railway lines or railway linesWork on the Port Authority, which was made in the vicinity of a port / port.Part IIProduction ProcessWorking in mining and stone quarry and underground mining blasting / blast or helping himEnergy / Power Machines as Arah, large scissors, cutting machines, agricultural machinery / equipment, thrysr, fodder cutting machineWith electrical wires are passed jnmyn power than fifty voltsMaking leather / tanning work etc.Insecticides and insect pesticides or use of the mixSeparating silica from the sand blasting workThe flowers have something to work with toxic materials, explosives and cancerIn cement industryCoal worksSale of fireworks and explosive materialsWorking in places where the cylinders are filled ayl.py.jy and sy.ayn.jyGlass, metal work, and glass furnaces and WideKnitting fabric, printing, dyeing and finishing of various typesStone crushing workFifteen kg or take a heavy weight or inclusive work, especially in industry prtranspurtCarpetTwo meters or higher above the work floorEvery kind of hospital waste treatment / sweepers decayTobacco work, including snuff and irons thereinDyp.sy phishing / Fishing Deep Seagull, Commercial / Commercial fishing and processing of fish and other sy.fudSheep casing / Sausages make the production of sheep's innards and lamb's wool workBreaking NewsWork to develop tools for surgerySpices grinding workBoiler House workCinema, mini-cinema, in the cyber clubsMicah cutting work, it has a shiny silica mineral that is found in rocksWorks of shellSaponificationWool treatmentIn building and construction industryAnd the packing of the slate pnslzMaking the product work agyt (a rock)Note: English section for the details of the notification.The government brings in children and minors how to regulate working conditions?Employment of Children Act, Part III, section seven, can not be made to work more than seven hours a day to a child or adolescent (This rest will be brought to an hour, including hyguya the six hours straight in) and setting it must be kept at least three hours of continuous work must break an hour rest.There are provisions relating to child employment in the Factories Act. Pcasuynsyksn under this Act imposed a complete ban on employment of children under fourteen years in any factory. Young Adult section under fifty, whose age is more than fourteen and eighteen years, when they are not allowed to work in a factory to themNo eligibility certificate / certificate of fitness may be a qualified medical practitioner / qualified medicine jars, and the certificate must be in possession of the relevant factory manager.When I worked there they have a reference to the certificate must be present on the token.No child or nublug not working at that time on a machine until all were not aware of all the risks arising from the machine and let me regarding preventive measures were not directed to, and to work on this machine It has to be taken not receive enough training and to work under the supervision of a person who has enough knowledge and experience about this machine. Under the Factories Act, section eight, it is the responsibility of the provincial government that they should not act without instructions above to identify the dangerous machines which are minor and nublug.Factories Act of women and juveniles lodged under btysuynsyksn, in any part of the factory where a roll of cotton running, has been banned for the cotton bales to hire.Shops and Establishments Ordinance, children under can not be made in a commercial / business (section two). While minors (the term from juveniles lodged / children and is used both for the group nubalgun of whom are between the ages of fourteen to eighteen years) can be made to work from nine in the morning until seven o'clock pm (Section VII) .In like this Act under section eight, does not allow any child to work more than forty hours a week, seven hours a day.The child labor law, the Children (Pledging of Labour) Act outlawed in which each contract labor / work of a child were kept afloat in exchange for remuneration or any benefit that hu.tahm is an exception in the Act If the contract is such that it would not be harmful to the baby or child labor set against the minimum wage and the contract will be terminated on notice of a week can not wean contract null and void.Merchant Shipping Ordinance, section 110 of the Act, any person the age of fifteen years shall not be moved to work in the sea / Merchant smp However, if it is trained on the ship the train or ship / if they are employed in a family in ships such restriction shall not apply.If an employer can be fined if the children how it is for the job or a punishment?The Employment of Children Act section fourteen, who also are the employee indicated above professions or manufacturing processes or gives him permission penalty until preacher twenty thousand rupees, or term, which imprisonment up to one year can, or can be collected both. If he can be increased again until a similar crime was committed if the minimum sentence of six months to two years, which period.


2 - Children's stories


بچوں کی کہانیاں

 The second caliph Omar Ibn Khattab when an attack attemptIf you were injured in RA. You RA formed an advisory council consisting of six friendsThe aim was to choose the next caliph. Hazrat Umar (RA) said that the gathering of evidence was unanimously elected Caliph Uthman Ghani (RA).
Then make all the Muslims of the oath of allegiance to Ali (RA).After you choose the Caliph and Imam Abu prtasyr a sermon on the pulpit of the mosque stood upon.
Then Allah sent the attention caliphate affairs and the appointment of governors and women in the region over the long dimension of the Islamic caliphate and issued instructions for them.
Your RA urged all responsible for trust, integrity and service ahuny Monday.Uthman (RA) conquered the area in the early days of Umar's caliphate went with hrgzrty increase in Islamic caliphate.Egypt, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Constantinople was in order to advance the Islamic armies conquered new territories in the east and west.The achievement was the establishment of the Ottoman Fleet.Roman troops were attacked by sea from the coastal areas of Syria and Egypt that the fleet strong and organized, so they were able to harm Muslims.
Creating this important need and the risks in order to avoid a strong fleet of Muslims who repel enemy attacks on several occasions. Uthman ibn spread the Islamic caliphate in Central Asia and North Africa said period.Khorasan by passing through Turkestan and China in the east and south had reached Kabul Nisha said. Every color, race, language and culture of the sphere with a force without limitations, and the soaring caliphate.In that period the management was able to do good gracious. Uthman ra ra ra and leading companions of the main issues discussed were the officials responsible.
In addition to these military operations Uthman to collect a recitation of the Quran Ra feat froze.This was the second year of caliphate Ra said that the Muslims were fighting in the region, Armenia and Azerbaijan.
At that time companions (RA) was the number was very small.This usually happens when an army sent to fight in an area that must be sent to the illustrious companions with Allah Almighty to bestow his blessing victory.The kzyfh bin Yaman (ra), who was also called upon the mystery of God and they were rsual own glory.Army joined forces engaged in the fight.One day he was part of a contingent that was prayer time. Or perhaps it was the Isha prayers. Prayer rises,
He was sent to recite the Quran in a certain tone. After the prayers, some people told me that the reading is not accurate.He said that he is absolutely right and I learned from reading certain companions (RA).
I object to such a man has learned from the RA and so I say is true. This was actually the difference between dialects.
This was due to differences between them. Hudhayfah RA when she saw this scene, they fear that the difference is not too much like the other Muslim nations.So Allah gave permission to the then army commander and rushed to Medina.Was summer. Several months before the home journey to Medina and Third Caliph Uthman RA Ghani went and told him the whole story. Uthman (RA) was immediately formed a committee and charged it was that I would write Majeed Qureshi tone, because it was the standard tone and Quran death was revealed in Makkah language was.The Quran was written in askulb Quraysh of Mecca, spelling and tone and emphasis is now writing the tone of the Quran.The ceremony, which was on the writing of a particular style called Ottoman RA. After Uthman (RA) was nicknamed Ali Jama people, who assembled the people of the Holy Quran.In addition, he performs various achievements in Caliphate of Uthman Ghani (RA).The number of pilgrims during the Hajj was to grow daily. In view of Uthman (ra) bought the adjoining houses in order to extend the mosque moved into the mosque.
It was little scope to increase the population of Medina in the Prophet's Mosque to increase the number of worshipers.Uthman (RA) was expanded by buying adjacent houses and a mosque built solemn and beautiful.To keep safe from flooding the construction of Medina Manor Uthman (RA), a safety valve.Several garrisons and castles built to protect the conquered territories and stability in rents and deployed troops. As I was extending the boundaries of the Islamic caliphate Uthman (RA) that the administration has also expanded.
Buildings were built in the provinces to set up offices. Roads and bridges for the convenience of the public, Mosques and guest houses were built. Routes conducted checkpoints in place, host, and well built.Uthman (RA) owned personally compassionate personality
And adopt an attitude of peace ties with his relatives and relatives.Some people were complaining that the attitude of some of those standing insurgency and violence.This project against Ra originally developed by a Jewish Ibn Saba.This project was not against Islam but against the Caliph.The plot, which developed some simple Muslims were also victims. Some rebels in besieged Medina and eventually asked to withdraw from the Caliph Uthman (RA) but he refused to Usman Ghani (RA),
He was elected because you caliph. Finally, you may allhanh rebels in the state that the Messenger of Allah used to fast and wast the Watcher recite the Quran, martyred. The assassination of Uthman (RA) was eighty years old. RA government you almost twelve years.May Allah be pleased with them

3- Play Game


Video Game Effects
Positive and negative effects of video games are being viewed.
Family, society, state and mankind video games problems and risks have to forward a comprehensive professional R authority to deal with the process,Would not be without him.
And Yad has appeared surprisingly great revolution in the world of U games.Every time technological changes have opened the door to video gamesWhile many of the benefits which have beenThere are many disadvantages to urge the head

Computer technology and the Internet have also young and extremely inexpensive and simple video games to children.Video games affect everybody. Children and youth are the days when video games were just playing most of the nightThis aspect is harmful to children's health.Video games are obligatory rules and regulations to control risks.Why are video games that play an important role in the training of children

Organize some games such errors are impossible to control them easily while these errors can be controlled in the form of training institutions and raising a new generation of responsible parents, teachers awareness campaign.
Their risks are also cultural and even training, moral and practical.I was awarded the prize of the player to whom the child has seen the video games.Children are the future architects.Their thinking, their way of thinking and to the right consentaneity in the right direction and do the hard work.

Training in different countries of the world cry and cry about video games to their impact on children

 The reason is that these are much more risky.It is this which is that merchants are manufactured counterfeit copies of computer programs and video games things are much more affordableConsequently, the new generation is looking at them unabated
And range from getting affected.Buy children that they do not care how many games because they are very cheap.The dithering deny that there are good points and bad in every society. Families of the children is to tell the good things, teach and guide.The children have the huge responsibility of the family from evil
However, I realize that this is going phenomenal consciousness and awareness of families feeling the negative impact of video games.

Parents of children who play video games in the four walls of the house they live in. You are priceless

 And parents do not even know what their children are in trouble.Doctors said that video games out of the cartoon light rays are the cause of symptoms of epilepsy in children.Doctors also warned that playing video games is too much tremor in the hands of children.Doctors have also warned that the games pose to children suffering from bone and muscle to demonstrate the speed.In addition, a lot of damage to the ambiguity finger due to constant movement of fingers on keyboard
Eye movements while playing video games has a negative impact due to the sharp eyes.
 The magnetic waves which are out of the computer screen to eye red
Many video games are enjoyed by others who wrongfully destroyed their property by beating them to death.Children learn new methods and recipes using this kind of video games, especially boys crimes,
These games are deep  throated  growl killed in the violence, and their minds are creating an efficient fight the fight that he minded empty before playing video games.I reviewed video games in Canada found that 30 thousand of the 22 thousand who had been fueled violence and crime.The fact is that we need to play their role to address these challenges and social problems and protect their children from the adverse effects of these things so that our future is secure flourished

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I try to read a message of peace will be good, God willing, I will get some useful articles and poetry about qraan ahadees Also of interest to women and children will be provided


I try to read a message of peace will be good, God willing, I will get some useful articles and poetry about qraan ahadees Also of interest...